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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Important Facts about Dangerous Mold Growth and Mold Remediation

6/29/2023 (Permalink)

Mold Prevention Image of house with mold

Any type of weather event or accident involving water that leads to excess wetness and moisture can become problematic for homeowners and other property owners. Water left over from storms, floods, appliance malfunctions, and plumbing issues can quickly turn into a mold growth situation. If these issues are not addressed, the beginning of a small problem can evolve into something damaging and unhealthy. 

Let’s look at some of the dangers of mold growth appearing in homes and other buildings as well as the mold remediation process that can help restore structures to a safe and healthy condition, free from damage and danger.       

What Every Homeowner and Business Owner Needs to Know About Mold Remediation 

Mold issues that occur after a storm or flood damage, plumbing problems, or fire extinguishment must be dealt with immediately before further damage occurs. Mold remediation identifies, contains, removes, and prevents the growth and spread of mold indoors to impede any structural damage or health issues.  Various effective steps and techniques are used to restore a healthy indoor environment. SERVPRO® of South Nashville is highly skilled and experienced in all aspects of mold remediation and repairing mold damage.  Let’s take a look at some questions homeowners and building owners frequently ask when faced by mold infiltrating their spaces.  

Why is mold remediation necessary and what can it prevent? 

Mold remediation is necessary for many serious reasons including: 

  • Health risks, especially for vulnerable populations 
  • Structural damage, especially in hidden areas 
  • Property damage throughout an interior 
  • Prevention and spreading in any area of a home or building  
  • Improving indoor air quality to create a healthy living or work environment 

Is mold dangerous to my health? 

The presence of mold in your home can potentially be harmful to your health, particularly for individuals who are sensitive or allergic to mold. Mold releases tiny spores into the air, and when these spores are inhaled, they can cause a range of health issues. Potential health risks associated with mold exposure include allergic reactions like itching and sneezing, asthma symptoms and other serious respiratory issues, and skin and lung infections. 

It is important to note that the severity of health effects can vary depending on factors such as the individual's sensitivity, duration and intensity of exposure, and the type of mold present. Some molds, such as black mold (Stachybotrys chartarum), are associated with the production of mycotoxins, which can have toxic effects on humans and animals when inhaled, ingested, or touched. If you suspect you have a mold problem in your home and are experiencing health symptoms, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional and contact a professional mold remediation specialist to assess and address the issue appropriately. 

Should I attempt to remove mold myself, or should I hire a professional?  

When a homeowner or business owner thinks there might be a mold issue, the wise decision is to always call an experienced team of experts well-versed in mold remediation. They can address the size and spread of the mold growth, assess any damage or structural situations, and implement a strategy to keep mold from reappearing, thus avoiding further health issues or building problems. Only they can take proper precautions to protect yourself and prevent further spread of mold spores because of their knowledge of the latest mold remediation techniques, correct PPE, and carry out the process safely and effectively.  

What are the steps in the mold remediation process? 

Generally, they will include assessment and planning regarding the site, containment measures, mold removal, drying, and dehumidification, cleaning and disinfecting, and post-mold remediation verification. We are trained, skilled, and experienced and most importantly will produce the results you want for your property.   

Will mold remediation completely eliminate mold from my home or building? 

Mold remediation aims to address the current mold problem, remove mold growth, and restore a healthy indoor environment. However, it is important to understand that the complete elimination of all mold spores from your home or building is practically impossible. Mold spores are naturally present in the environment and can enter buildings through open windows, doors, ventilation systems, and on clothing or pets. The goal of mold remediation is to reduce mold spore levels to a normal and acceptable range and to eliminate visible mold growth. This is achieved through thorough cleaning, removal of mold-infested materials, drying and dehumidification, and implementing preventive measures to address the underlying causes of mold growth.  

However, since mold spores are microscopic and can be present in the air, it is not feasible to completely eliminate all mold spores from an indoor environment. Mold spores can also enter the building again through various means, including doors, windows, and ventilation systems. Additionally, if moisture issues persist or if new water damage occurs, it can potentially lead to new mold growth over time. 

For more about mold remediation and mold damage restoration services, Give us a call today to find out how to rid your home or business of mold.

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